"The Holiday Alone with You"

Illustration for Beverage Brand CHILL OUT

Given the theme of "chilling without pressure," this illustration depicts a relaxed, chill time spent indoors with a loved one, unconcerned about time or weather. It captures the essence of enjoying a laid-back, cozy moment at home, embodying the spirit of the "CHILL OUT" beverage brand. I focused on the ease and comfort of spending quality time with someone special.

"Head in the Clouds"

I created an illustration based on the English idiom "Head in the Clouds." This idiom means being in a fluffy, dreamy state as if your head is literally in the clouds.

As a child, I was often scolded by parents and teachers for daydreaming with a phrase like, "Stop spacing out!" However, I believe that time spent lost in thought is crucial. It allows us to slowly organize our thoughts, clarify what we truly want to do, and piece together past experiences and knowledge to generate new ideas. In our busy daily lives, these moments of daydreaming offer a valuable opportunity to do things we otherwise couldn't, and I think that's incredibly important.

"Moon Rabbit"

This is a design for a 2023 New Year's card. It features a cosmic rabbit born on the moon being taken to Earth.

"Illustration for PULL"

This illustration is based on the non-fiction story of a girl who aspires to be a swimmer and her younger sister. It's themed around 'PULL', capturing the essence of their journey and experiences.


I have created an illustration that encapsulates both the convenience and the eeriness of AI. This AI scans and digitizes everything in the world, making it its own.

Mother's Day Illustration

This illustration depicts my strong mother who came alone from abroad in her youth and forged a unique path in life. Within the shining orbit, I've included the various jobs she has done and the gifts she has made for me over the years.

"Summer Days"

Graphic design: Sebastian Sagastume

I was in charge of the motion design for this poster. It represents a fun and delightful summer day, from morning to night, through lively and pop animations

"I am here"

She Exists Solely in the Virtual World, Yet She Lives.

Spooktacular Festival

I created a poster for a festival held in Prospect Park. Since it's the Halloween season, I used Halloween-themed colors. The illustration depicts a grand parade of various creatures, conveying the message that everyone, from adults to children and from dogs to all kinds of pets, is welcome to participate.


I produced a magazine called NIAO that introduces the birds of Central Park. 'NIAO' means 'bird' in Chinese, and the logo features a design based on the pictographic Chinese character for bird(鳥).


When I visited the Isamu Noguchi Museum in America, I was so inspired that I decided to summarize his life in a single poster. The way his works were displayed in the museum made it feel as if they were living there, almost as if they were wandering around the museum. I designed the 'ISAMU NOGUCHI' text on the poster to convey a sense of life, as if the letters themselves were peering out at the viewer, similar to how his works seemed in the museum.

Cat Day

An illustration I created for cat lovers. I feel that there's a difference in the faces and patterns of cats in Japan compared to those overseas. I have a particular fondness for calico cats; they evoke a strong sense of Japan for me.

Grounding Point

I enjoy peering at the point where stones meet the ground, and I've tried to depict the view as I see it.

Sketching and Acrylic Painting