This is a group project that I did when I was in my junior year in university. We visited Niigata, which is about a 4-hour drive away from Tokyo. Our goal is to help improve the  business of a local restaurant. Although the dishes offered at the restaurant were great, business was not good, compared to other restaurants. We proposed a few changes to the owner of the restaurant: new poster, new menu design, new food wrapper and new chopsticks wrapper. I was in charge of designing a new chopsticks wrapper.

Mt Kakuda in Niigata is one of the most famous mountains in Japan. So I decided to have different designs of the seasonal scenery of the mountain on the chopsticks wrapper. I came up with 6 designs: summer, fall, spring, winter, night and morning. 

I think these different designs will become a topic of conversation when the customers who come in with their friends or family will compare the different designs of the chopsticks wrappers they get. For example, someone may ask: I got a summer night at Mt Kakuda, what do you have? I got a spring scenery! 

My wish is that my design will bring joy to the customers when they come in to enjoy a good meal with their friends or family.